Ok, so the excitement is in the title.
Just so you can get a bit more of an insight into the world and house in which I live, my housemate Chris (yes, the white/jive speaking/wive-beater wearing/'sup yo' one, not the Mexican one or the who who works in the pub) has a blog. Here is the link and free advert I promised him -
Please post, just for his sake. I don't know when he'll check it. I don't know who will read it. I don't know who will post (except you guys) as he's not really on the internet except to watch videos on youtube.com. Just give the guy some support. If you can't pay by cheque, just, ehh, post a comment instead.
In other news...
I got a new pair of shorts today. They are a lovely shade of blue and are saltrock. Really nice. It was Chris' birthday present for me for last month. You guys can always get your belated birthday presents in to if you want...if you can't pay by cheque...you can...post a comment...I guess...thanx in advance.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
More like a finger bouffet this time...
I liked that last post of mine so here goes another...
First point - I have just listened to Natasha Bedingfield's album - Unwritten and it's quite good. Chris had it on his laptop so I just put it onto my ipod a few weeks ago but never listened to it. It's good though, check it out.
Second point - It's my day off today and I spent like an hour and a half just sat in Starbucks reading my Bible and the Da Vinci Code (I know, contradiction or what?!) but it was just nice. The only Starbucks close by is in Borders, a bookshop, but it's above the bookshop so you can sit and drink your drink and look down on everyone below, pretty sweet.
Third Point - It's been raining for like 10 days straight now, that sux. I'm not joking, 10 days, not one completely dry. I know, I know, "But that's Britain" and yes it is, but I mean, for crying out loud, winter was drier! That's when it's meant to rain, not when we're almost into summer. Steve McQueen.
Point four - I have just past the bit in the Da Vinci code where it is down right blasphemy and lies. My Mexican housemate Daniel wants to read the book when I'm done with it but I don't know how he's going to get past all my writing and doodling on those pages where it talks crap about Mary Magdalene and how Peter was jealous and Jesus told Mary Magdalene to build His church. But who was the one preaching to thousands on Pentecost? Mary? Nope! Peter's story in Acts rubber stamps his transformation throughout the Gospels from idiot, not-thinking-before-he-speaks, eejit to being used in powerful ways by God, evident at Pentecost. Jesus even told him he'd be a rock upon which His church would be built. Not Mary Magdalene. Sorry Dan, but you're just an eejit. You aint going to topple the church with a made-up fictious story. If the Devil can't defeat Jesus, nor can you sunshine.
So yeah, a wee rant towards the end there as my anger at the Da Vinci Code is clear!
I'm now listening to a song I got off Sarah's computer - Starship - We Built This City. All is well in the world.
First point - I have just listened to Natasha Bedingfield's album - Unwritten and it's quite good. Chris had it on his laptop so I just put it onto my ipod a few weeks ago but never listened to it. It's good though, check it out.
Second point - It's my day off today and I spent like an hour and a half just sat in Starbucks reading my Bible and the Da Vinci Code (I know, contradiction or what?!) but it was just nice. The only Starbucks close by is in Borders, a bookshop, but it's above the bookshop so you can sit and drink your drink and look down on everyone below, pretty sweet.
Third Point - It's been raining for like 10 days straight now, that sux. I'm not joking, 10 days, not one completely dry. I know, I know, "But that's Britain" and yes it is, but I mean, for crying out loud, winter was drier! That's when it's meant to rain, not when we're almost into summer. Steve McQueen.
Point four - I have just past the bit in the Da Vinci code where it is down right blasphemy and lies. My Mexican housemate Daniel wants to read the book when I'm done with it but I don't know how he's going to get past all my writing and doodling on those pages where it talks crap about Mary Magdalene and how Peter was jealous and Jesus told Mary Magdalene to build His church. But who was the one preaching to thousands on Pentecost? Mary? Nope! Peter's story in Acts rubber stamps his transformation throughout the Gospels from idiot, not-thinking-before-he-speaks, eejit to being used in powerful ways by God, evident at Pentecost. Jesus even told him he'd be a rock upon which His church would be built. Not Mary Magdalene. Sorry Dan, but you're just an eejit. You aint going to topple the church with a made-up fictious story. If the Devil can't defeat Jesus, nor can you sunshine.
So yeah, a wee rant towards the end there as my anger at the Da Vinci Code is clear!
I'm now listening to a song I got off Sarah's computer - Starship - We Built This City. All is well in the world.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Read this (I think there's something in it for all the family) (It's like a boufet, pick and choose what you want, you don't have to have it all)
Ok, I really am just going to ramble and see what happens.
You know what I found really strange when I was in America? When Caleb, Hannah and I went to Starbucks before church to get coffee. Not only that, it was a Starbucks drive-thru! What the!? Crazy! Then we drank it in church. Madness I tell you, madness.
There is a funny British comedian I found on YouTube.com
His name is Tim Vine and I think he is a Christian, don't quote me on that one (right now I see people copying and pasting,"His name is Tim Vine and...he is a Christian") and his stuff is just hilarious! The clip on YouTube is about 6 and a half minutes and it's brilliant! It's just pun, after pun, after pun and all clean! It's superb, please do check him out.
What else...
Ohh aye! I started reading "The Da Vinci Code" on Monday there. I'm quite hooked. It's a good book (don't worry, I have also heard outcry from people that it's a terrible book, but I'm gripped!) and am about 1/3 of the way through already. I think I might be going to see the film on Monday so I want to finish the book before I see the film.
My mum and dad are visiting for a few days at the start of June and then on the 23rd-25th June my sister and mum are visiting as there's a thanksgiving day at Capernwray on 24th for the new dining room so they're staying here and going to Capernwray for the day on Saturday.
Lindsey, Marisa's friend, who is at Bible school now is coming to visit and staying over until the Saturday. It's all go go go!
Oooohhh boy! How can I not mention the fact that the World Cup, the greatest spectical on earth, starts on 9th June. Bring it on! I am torn between a few countries though. Just because I have a South Korean and Ecuadorian shirt, I'm not sure who to support. Yet because of you guys in America, I also want to support the States in the World Cup (yes, that's right, you guys ARE in the FOOTBALL World Cup) (oops, I mean, SOCCER World Cup). Saying that, so are Australia. Go figure.
I like these big, literally random, blogs. What else can I harp on about.
Ohh, I'll make this the last thing. No, wait, second last thing. The Chili's new album is just amazing. Let me highlight some tracks for you - 'Tell me Baby', 'Wet Sand', 'Readymade', 'Hard to Concentrate', '21st Century', 'Hump de Bump','Snow ((Hey Oh))' along with the single, 'Dani California'. Just superb.
Last thing - I bought Family Guy season one and two on DVD the other day. Do I need them? No, not really but they were in the sale.
Ok, really last thing - on www.adifferentdirection.com I found a Christian t-shirt. I know how much you all probably hate them, but this one was frickin awesome! In the style of the Napoleon Dynamite, "Vote for Pedro" t-shirt (I actually bought one from Fred Meyer when I was in America) there was a t-shirt saying, "Jesus Died For Pedro"! Fantastic! Check it out on the website along with Tim Vine on YouTube.
Peace out yo.
(Sorry about the 'peace out' thing, my housemate does it, he thinks he's black and speaks jive. He doesn't. He's white. He does wear vest/wife beaters though. That doesn't make him black though, or help him speak jive. He just wears them. Have you met him? His name is Chris)
You know what I found really strange when I was in America? When Caleb, Hannah and I went to Starbucks before church to get coffee. Not only that, it was a Starbucks drive-thru! What the!? Crazy! Then we drank it in church. Madness I tell you, madness.
There is a funny British comedian I found on YouTube.com
His name is Tim Vine and I think he is a Christian, don't quote me on that one (right now I see people copying and pasting,"His name is Tim Vine and...he is a Christian") and his stuff is just hilarious! The clip on YouTube is about 6 and a half minutes and it's brilliant! It's just pun, after pun, after pun and all clean! It's superb, please do check him out.
What else...
Ohh aye! I started reading "The Da Vinci Code" on Monday there. I'm quite hooked. It's a good book (don't worry, I have also heard outcry from people that it's a terrible book, but I'm gripped!) and am about 1/3 of the way through already. I think I might be going to see the film on Monday so I want to finish the book before I see the film.
My mum and dad are visiting for a few days at the start of June and then on the 23rd-25th June my sister and mum are visiting as there's a thanksgiving day at Capernwray on 24th for the new dining room so they're staying here and going to Capernwray for the day on Saturday.
Lindsey, Marisa's friend, who is at Bible school now is coming to visit and staying over until the Saturday. It's all go go go!
Oooohhh boy! How can I not mention the fact that the World Cup, the greatest spectical on earth, starts on 9th June. Bring it on! I am torn between a few countries though. Just because I have a South Korean and Ecuadorian shirt, I'm not sure who to support. Yet because of you guys in America, I also want to support the States in the World Cup (yes, that's right, you guys ARE in the FOOTBALL World Cup) (oops, I mean, SOCCER World Cup). Saying that, so are Australia. Go figure.
I like these big, literally random, blogs. What else can I harp on about.
Ohh, I'll make this the last thing. No, wait, second last thing. The Chili's new album is just amazing. Let me highlight some tracks for you - 'Tell me Baby', 'Wet Sand', 'Readymade', 'Hard to Concentrate', '21st Century', 'Hump de Bump','Snow ((Hey Oh))' along with the single, 'Dani California'. Just superb.
Last thing - I bought Family Guy season one and two on DVD the other day. Do I need them? No, not really but they were in the sale.
Ok, really last thing - on www.adifferentdirection.com I found a Christian t-shirt. I know how much you all probably hate them, but this one was frickin awesome! In the style of the Napoleon Dynamite, "Vote for Pedro" t-shirt (I actually bought one from Fred Meyer when I was in America) there was a t-shirt saying, "Jesus Died For Pedro"! Fantastic! Check it out on the website along with Tim Vine on YouTube.
Peace out yo.
(Sorry about the 'peace out' thing, my housemate does it, he thinks he's black and speaks jive. He doesn't. He's white. He does wear vest/wife beaters though. That doesn't make him black though, or help him speak jive. He just wears them. Have you met him? His name is Chris)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium
It's out!
The Red Hot Chili Peppers new double album 'Stadium Arcadium'. I thought I'd post this today as North America had to wait until today to get it. Us Europeans had it yesterday.
Infact, I had my copy, technically on Saturday. I had preordered it months ago at Sarah's house, with Sarah's account so when I was on the weekend away with our youth people, it arrived at Sarah's house! I know, 2 days early! Insane!
So I got it Sunday night from Sarah and have been listening to it ever since. Two albums is a lot to get through though, 28 songs in total, so I've only listened to each CD once. I've got it on me ipod now so that should help.
One track that stood out for me straight away was on the first CD, which I think, is called 'Mars' but correct me if I'm wrong. The track on the 'Mars' CD is called 'Hump de bump'. It's so funky, I love it! Track 2 on the 'Mars' CD as well is great, 'Snow ((Hey oh))', it's super. I'm impressed. I need to listen to it more though.
Hope you're enjoying the pictures of America, see anyone you know?! Like yourself?...
I've got to run though, I have a talk on Genesis 30 v 25 - 31 v 55 to do for Thursday and it's doing me head in. Any ideas anyone!?
Don't forget about the caption competition below with the fish!
The Red Hot Chili Peppers new double album 'Stadium Arcadium'. I thought I'd post this today as North America had to wait until today to get it. Us Europeans had it yesterday.
Infact, I had my copy, technically on Saturday. I had preordered it months ago at Sarah's house, with Sarah's account so when I was on the weekend away with our youth people, it arrived at Sarah's house! I know, 2 days early! Insane!
So I got it Sunday night from Sarah and have been listening to it ever since. Two albums is a lot to get through though, 28 songs in total, so I've only listened to each CD once. I've got it on me ipod now so that should help.
One track that stood out for me straight away was on the first CD, which I think, is called 'Mars' but correct me if I'm wrong. The track on the 'Mars' CD is called 'Hump de bump'. It's so funky, I love it! Track 2 on the 'Mars' CD as well is great, 'Snow ((Hey oh))', it's super. I'm impressed. I need to listen to it more though.
Hope you're enjoying the pictures of America, see anyone you know?! Like yourself?...
I've got to run though, I have a talk on Genesis 30 v 25 - 31 v 55 to do for Thursday and it's doing me head in. Any ideas anyone!?
Don't forget about the caption competition below with the fish!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Photos from America

My good friend Caleb and I

Sharon and I thought the shadow was funny!

Sharon and I at Caleb's house

Brittani, Caleb, Kellyn and I at Caleb's house

Dana, Brittani, Kellyn and I at their school

Sylvester and I at the 'Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe'

Dana and I at 'Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe' in Seattle

Brittani and I

Aly and I

This guy was on a big mad bike near Pike's Place market, Seattle

Emm, Kellyn and I in Seattle

This is in response to Jeff's infamous leaning tower of Pisa picture during Tyler's and his travels!

Kellyn and I

Kellyn and I
Photos from America
Photos from America

This is me, at Multnomah Falls, just in case you couldn't tell by the sign

This is myself and Ben Thomas

I had to put this picture of this fish on, I just imagined him saying, "Yeah, seriously...I'm pink with black stripes and I'm in front of a pink wavey plant thing, whoooo" in a real deep, droning, boring voice! I love it! In fact, let's open it up, this is a caption competition. Who can come up with the funniest caption for this fishy picture?
Monday, May 01, 2006
That was America
Well folks, that was America. I was there from 15th-29th April and it was amazing! I had such a fantastic and was sad to leave such good friends behind but I do hope to get out again next year sometime maybe. What a fantastic time I had!
I saw Bellingham, Salem, Portland, the Oregon Coast, Seattle (and all those places around it like Bellevue, Kirkland and so on) and even a wee bit of Vancouver, BC. It was an amazing trip. I saw - Caleb, Danny, Pamela, Kylie, Meredith, Aly, Ben Thomas, Heidi and Marja, Kellyn, Dana, Brittani, Sharon, Dawn, Erin, Janice and Erik. I am sorry if I forgot anybody, I really am.
Among the thousands of people I met for the first time where - Josh, Caleb's brother, Hannah, Caleb's girlfriend, Abbie, Caleb's sister, Rick and Linda, Caleb's parents, Tim, Caleb's housemate, Joe, Kellyn's boyfriend, Kasey, Kara, Kirsten and Kitty, Kylie's 4 sisters, Matt and Jamie, Kylie's parents, Emily, Kellyn's friend and Hannah's family. Again, sorry if I've missed out some people.
I got to eat at Boomer's burgers, Burgermaster, Las Margaritas, Starbucks (does that count?)and Quiznos to name a few. I tried for the first time - Teriyaki, Thai and slurpees to again, name but a few. I enjoyed eating while in the states!
I never realized how beautiful Washington and Oregon where until I saw them first hand. Multnomah falls, Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Baker, they were all beautiful. Even the cities of Portland and Seattle where beautiful and attractive in their own way. Down town Portland had it's own style and felt relaxed. It did have a lot of weird statues and art pieces but I got past those soon enough. Seattle, although just one big, mad hill was entertaining, exciting and interesting. It again had a certain relaxed feel to it. I got to see quite a bit of it and was soooo impressed by it.
I want to say thank you to so many people. They have already been thanked but I want to put it on here and thank them again. Whether they drove me somewhere, put me up for a night or two, met me somewhere, planned stuff for me or whatever, I want to thank them.
Thanx to Caleb for having me to stay and for being a fantastic friend. It was great to hang out again and renew a good, old friendship. Thank you.
Thanx to Kellyn for, despite having a ton of work for school and being rather tired most of the weekend was always kind, pleasant and patient with me. She showed me so much of Seattle and her church, what a great tourguide. Once again, it was great to renew a good, old friendship.
Thanx to Kellyn's mum, Bonny, who made amazing cheesecake, washed a hoodie of mine and even gave me a birthday card.
Thanx to Kylie for putting up with me and planning great stuff for us to do. Really was good to see you again and meet all your sisters as well as your mum and dad.
Thanx to Danny and his family for putting Pamela, Caleb and I up for a night while in Portland.
Thanx to Ben Thomas for meeting me and taking me to Multnomah falls and to Multnomah Bible school, was great to see you again.
Thanx to Pamela for buying me a Mexican lunch! Also for talking with me in Peet's coffee and just hanging out, chatting and showing me Portland. Thank you Pamela.
Thanx to Dana and Brittani, it was great to hang out with you guys again and laugh like at Bible school. "I like meat" was something Brittani came out with on the way to Las Margaritas, not sure why, but it made us laugh! Thanx to Dana for showing me Seattle as well and making me laugh, I had forgotten how funny you were!
Thanx to Josh, Caleb's brother for driving me down to Portland to meet Kylie. It was a fun car journey with good chats and laughs.
Thanx to Heidi and Marja for showing us the ghetto that is Tacoma. It had some nice stuff. Honestly, it did. Also, thanx for introducing me to Thai and the fun we had in that restaurant.
Thanx to Josh McNeely for getting me to do the announcements at Overlake, in the High School service last Sunday morning!
Thanx to Sharon for coming all the way down from Kamloops, via Vancouver to see me. It was so great to hang out again, beat the Americans at pool, watch Three Angles and ring Jonny boy on his birthday. Sharon, thank you so much.
Thanx to Caleb again and his family for giving me a birthday meal. I had such a great, relaxing day and then to just go over for dinner and relax was great.
Thanx to Shawn for coming up to Bellingham and taking the time out to do that.
Thanx to Janice and Erik for coming to the airport on Saturday even though I had such little time to see you guys, it was still good to hug you both and talk for a bit.
Thanx finally to Hannah for being so kind and for making almond rocha, it was great on the plane!
Again, sorry to those of you I have left out.
This is a long entry but I hope you enjoy the photos. Thanx for reading and if you have any questions about what else I did and so on, feel free to comment, e-mail or ring. You guys are great :)
I saw Bellingham, Salem, Portland, the Oregon Coast, Seattle (and all those places around it like Bellevue, Kirkland and so on) and even a wee bit of Vancouver, BC. It was an amazing trip. I saw - Caleb, Danny, Pamela, Kylie, Meredith, Aly, Ben Thomas, Heidi and Marja, Kellyn, Dana, Brittani, Sharon, Dawn, Erin, Janice and Erik. I am sorry if I forgot anybody, I really am.
Among the thousands of people I met for the first time where - Josh, Caleb's brother, Hannah, Caleb's girlfriend, Abbie, Caleb's sister, Rick and Linda, Caleb's parents, Tim, Caleb's housemate, Joe, Kellyn's boyfriend, Kasey, Kara, Kirsten and Kitty, Kylie's 4 sisters, Matt and Jamie, Kylie's parents, Emily, Kellyn's friend and Hannah's family. Again, sorry if I've missed out some people.
I got to eat at Boomer's burgers, Burgermaster, Las Margaritas, Starbucks (does that count?)and Quiznos to name a few. I tried for the first time - Teriyaki, Thai and slurpees to again, name but a few. I enjoyed eating while in the states!
I never realized how beautiful Washington and Oregon where until I saw them first hand. Multnomah falls, Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Baker, they were all beautiful. Even the cities of Portland and Seattle where beautiful and attractive in their own way. Down town Portland had it's own style and felt relaxed. It did have a lot of weird statues and art pieces but I got past those soon enough. Seattle, although just one big, mad hill was entertaining, exciting and interesting. It again had a certain relaxed feel to it. I got to see quite a bit of it and was soooo impressed by it.
I want to say thank you to so many people. They have already been thanked but I want to put it on here and thank them again. Whether they drove me somewhere, put me up for a night or two, met me somewhere, planned stuff for me or whatever, I want to thank them.
Thanx to Caleb for having me to stay and for being a fantastic friend. It was great to hang out again and renew a good, old friendship. Thank you.
Thanx to Kellyn for, despite having a ton of work for school and being rather tired most of the weekend was always kind, pleasant and patient with me. She showed me so much of Seattle and her church, what a great tourguide. Once again, it was great to renew a good, old friendship.
Thanx to Kellyn's mum, Bonny, who made amazing cheesecake, washed a hoodie of mine and even gave me a birthday card.
Thanx to Kylie for putting up with me and planning great stuff for us to do. Really was good to see you again and meet all your sisters as well as your mum and dad.
Thanx to Danny and his family for putting Pamela, Caleb and I up for a night while in Portland.
Thanx to Ben Thomas for meeting me and taking me to Multnomah falls and to Multnomah Bible school, was great to see you again.
Thanx to Pamela for buying me a Mexican lunch! Also for talking with me in Peet's coffee and just hanging out, chatting and showing me Portland. Thank you Pamela.
Thanx to Dana and Brittani, it was great to hang out with you guys again and laugh like at Bible school. "I like meat" was something Brittani came out with on the way to Las Margaritas, not sure why, but it made us laugh! Thanx to Dana for showing me Seattle as well and making me laugh, I had forgotten how funny you were!
Thanx to Josh, Caleb's brother for driving me down to Portland to meet Kylie. It was a fun car journey with good chats and laughs.
Thanx to Heidi and Marja for showing us the ghetto that is Tacoma. It had some nice stuff. Honestly, it did. Also, thanx for introducing me to Thai and the fun we had in that restaurant.
Thanx to Josh McNeely for getting me to do the announcements at Overlake, in the High School service last Sunday morning!
Thanx to Sharon for coming all the way down from Kamloops, via Vancouver to see me. It was so great to hang out again, beat the Americans at pool, watch Three Angles and ring Jonny boy on his birthday. Sharon, thank you so much.
Thanx to Caleb again and his family for giving me a birthday meal. I had such a great, relaxing day and then to just go over for dinner and relax was great.
Thanx to Shawn for coming up to Bellingham and taking the time out to do that.
Thanx to Janice and Erik for coming to the airport on Saturday even though I had such little time to see you guys, it was still good to hug you both and talk for a bit.
Thanx finally to Hannah for being so kind and for making almond rocha, it was great on the plane!
Again, sorry to those of you I have left out.
This is a long entry but I hope you enjoy the photos. Thanx for reading and if you have any questions about what else I did and so on, feel free to comment, e-mail or ring. You guys are great :)
Photos from America
Ok, so I can't get the photos to work yet but I'm hoping to get it on my bebo site or on myspace, so I will hopefully post the address to those for you to see pictures
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