Saturday, September 02, 2006

God, friends and family

You know,
Although it is 1am, I felt the urge, while on the computer to write a wee blog on God, friends and family as the title suggests.

I do not mean to offend anyone by leaving people out as I type this but I just wanted to blog and really thank God for friends He has quite clearly given me.

My friend Alec for example. We met at Capernwray waaayyyy back over 10 years ago and he has been a loyal friend ever since. Over the years, we've never really seen each other more than once a year and as it stands at the moment, I haven't seen him in almost a year. We talk on the phone though and each time we do, it's a good time. He lives up in Scotland, in Aberdeen, where he is at uni. He originates from Scotland and has lived on the isle of Skye and in Campbeltown. Thank you God for Alec.

I just got off the phone today with another good friend, Marisa. She was just great at Capernwray but to think I have now known her over 2 and a half years, ever since we started talking via the Capernwray forum. I feel so blessed to have known her so long and to have had the privilege of getting to know her before Capernwray as well as during and of course after. To think she is now only an hour behind me in the whole time zone thing and that she is only a couple of hours away by plane makes me so excited! Thank you God for Marisa.

Jeff. Wow. That guy is just fantastic. In many ways, he has actually been a sensible and clear head to have around. He is kind, he is sensible and he does have an amazing sense of humour. Anytime we talk, it's just honest. We can be real with each other. That guy is a joy to be around and to talk to. What a champion. Thank you God for Jeff.

There is no way I can overlook my friend Caleb. When I was out in Bellingham, it just really strengthened our friendship and to know he wants me to be involved in his wedding next year means so much to me. He has been one of very few people I can just be completely myself with and just talk about anything and everything with. I love him to bits. What a guy. Thank you God for Caleb.

Matthias is another guy who has been outstanding. We get on so well and the times we have spent talking about God and to God have both encouraged and challenged me. His English is not perfect and my Spanish, is well, non-existent and yet we can communicate perfectly well to each other, it's amazing! All it would take is a look or a word and we know exactly what each other is thinking. We connected in an amazing way and our friendship has been encouragement for us both. Thank you God for Matthias.

Of late, I have found another friend in Matt. To have someone living close by, sharing similar passions, going to the same church and being a guy has been exactly what I have needed. I think that our real desire to build each other up and encourage each other over this next year has just fired me up and revitalised me. I cannot deny that this is from God. Thank you God for Matt.

One person who has really been there for me over the past year too has been Sarah. I think I could class her as one of about 3 friends I have within a 40 mile radius of where I live now. Her willingness to take me to get shopping, to hang out, to give me lifts elsewhere, to want to meet up has been such a blessing to me. Having her around, having someone who knows me and understands me way before I became the 'happy','friendly','childrens and youth worker' at my church has just been amazing. Thank you God for Sarah.

There are so many people who are a friend to me. You know who you are. They have been Jesus to me when I've needed it, they have listened to me ramble on endlessly, they have taken me out places, they have prayed for me, they have enjoyed my company and I their's, they have corrected me, they have prayed with me, they have travelled miles to visit me, they have brought me presents and they have loved me.

Without a shadow of a doubt, I think my biggest thanx to God goes to my family. They have always been at the end of a phone, they have always listened to me, they have always listened to my tears, they have always been ready and willing to help me out in any way they possibly can and they have always loved me. They support me 150% over here and yet they are always there with a big hug when I come home. My time in England would have been so much harder if it hadn't have been for them.

Above all, I cannot stop praising God. I can thank each person, I can thank God for each person but all I want to do is thank God. His provision and presence in the past couple of years has never, ever, ever, ever, failed to blow me away. He gives me friends. He gives me the food I need. He gives me the sleep I need. He nourishes my soul. He encourages me. He comforts me. He improves me. He challenges me. He loves me. He died for me. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me. He loves me.

God first. Everything else and everybody else second. My thanks for everything and for everyone goes straight to God.

1 comment:

Leslie Puiras said...

that's so heartwarming. and thank GOD for you and your poured out heart... thank God for YOU.