Monday, March 27, 2006

How do I do this again?

It has been an absolute dog's age since I've posted, or at least it feels like it.

Happy (fill in the blanks for the appropriate holiday/birthday/barmitzah/national celebration that I've missed by not having posted in so long)! I hope you had a great day.

I wanted to post again to tell you all a wee bit more of what is going on with me right now.
Yesterday was mother's day and I had a wee bit of a weepy day. It was hard. If any of you know me, my mum is my hero. She has been amazing over the years and has kept my family going. She's just amazing.
It was so hard in church when there were people home from uni, children who wouldn't normally come with their parents to church and new families there. Then towards the end the children and whoever else wanted to, came up to the front and got flowers to give to their mums. Everyone around me was getting them or giving them out and I just wanted to cry. I did at the end of the service, I just couldn't stop them any longer.
One of the ladies in church who's daughters are in our oldest youth group came and put her arm round me and invited me to their house for lunch. That was nice.
I was at their house all afternoon and then went to church at night. Our oldest youth group meet after church on Sunday night but I just asked if I could go home, I wasn't feeling all that happy.

That was my Mothering Sunday.

I might have the opportunity to go home before I come out to America which would be fantastic but I have to check flights etc.

But hey! I'm coming to America in 3 weeks! I have to ring Caleb tonight to plan it out but if anybody wants to see me or do something, let me know and we'll plan it in. Do keep that last weekend I'm out there free (27th/28th/29th) because I really want to have a party or something for me birthday! We could have a Celidh!

Anyway, I'm still here and I'd still like comments and ideas for me coming to Washington/Oregon in 3 weeks time. Peace out


Janice said...

um i want to see you. but i seem to recall you're flying into my home city so i don't think there's really any way you can't see me. i'll stalk you. do you have a ride from the airport, because i'm happy to pick you if you don't...

Court said...

I totally don't have time to read this right now. I will later. So for now, hi.