Sunday, January 08, 2006

Hello everyone,

A very happy (and delayed) new year to you all! I hope whatever you did was good, fun, wholesome and clean fun.

I am back in Cheadle Hulme now and have been since last Tuesday evening.I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. To be honest, I'm having a hard time re-adjusting my head if I'm being honest. I got into a lazy, no-work-to-do mindset when I was back in Norn Iron. Now, I'm finding things a bit more of a struggle. I dunno, it's just strange, can't quite put my finger on it.

I taught for the first time since getting back tonight. It was at Impact, the 14+ group after church. I was so unsure and shaky about this one as I prepared as I asked God what He wanted me to do with it tonight and He seemed to give me an idea that would take all of 5 minutes in a group that can go on for an hour and a half.

I was like, "wha!? Is this it?!" bit of a stupid thing to say to God really.

I give Him all the credit, all the glory and all the thanks after tonight.

I got a text when I got in from someone who was there tonight and they were just saying how it was a great time for them and God and they got a lot out of tonight, I was so thankful for that steadying text. Even if I hadn't got that text tonight, I knew when I was doing it and when it was over that God had used me and all my nerves, stupid thoughts, doubts, all left me. I know it's cliche but you know what, it's so unbelievably true, that God just used a silly wee man like me. I was doubting, I was a bit apprehensive but you know what? God used me. It was God tonight. He did it. He gave me the ideas and even though I was unsure, God did it! God did it! It was God!

What can I say? Hallelujah


Josh said...

I was feeling the same while I was teaching Sunday School (11, 12 year old) today. Cheers for the gooeyness.

Anonymous said...

Hey You!!! I have not talked to you in forever. I hear that all of the other girls are getting phone calls from you...dang!!!!!! i want to hear about your life with Jesus and listen to you rad N. Irish accent. I hope you are doing alright.

Pamela Joy said...

Josh I think you might have just said thanks for the gooeyness to Jonathan rather than toasting it as I assume you meant to. I'm not sure though, you're probably more fluent in British than I am since you lived there longer.
I just wanted to relate to the hard to get back into the working swing of things. It IS hard. Doing nothing, while it has its downsides, can be quite marvelous. Luckily there's not much outside work during the first week of school!

Sharon said...

Hey you - Just quickly wanted to say that i love you. My internet is broken at the moment, so I'm at Courtnay's, but I'll catch up with you soon. Thanks for the card it made me smile much!!!!!

Jonathan said...

Thanx guys for all your comments and not a problem for the gooeyness josh.thank you guys for your honesty too,i appreciate you telling me that you guys too struggle with teaching and with settling back in.thank you so much for that :) makes me feel more unlike an alien!thank you guys a lot

Unknown said...

dearest jonathan,

i did not stumble across your blog, i had it quite forcibly struck across my face. just kidding, Daveo posted that you were now an official blogger and i was incredibly excited and immediately clicked on it and read the goings ons of my dear friend from norn ireland. i think of you every time i work with kids. and frequently have dreams with your lovely accented voice echoing through it. i too am having a heck of a time getting back into my routine... especially as i am rather ill at present. but this too shall pass and with an overdose of Advil Cold and Flu and a extra measure of God's grace, i will be ok. i miss you jonathan - take care luv!
cheers - Liana

Anonymous said...

hi jon. i basically just chose one to comment on so i could say hi. now i've said it i don't know where to go with the remainder of the space i have been alotted. which, by the way, is a lot like my life.
i suppose cliche (j'ever notice how cliche is the most cliche word ever. perfect.)nothings like happy christmas and new years would do. but i don't want to say them. so let them hereby be insinuated.

i am yours, with love, mercy

Béthany said...

hey mercy. have you ever noticed how hairbrush is the most hairbrush word ever?


Jonathan said...

thanx mercy!
great to read you there!i know,it's hard to know what to write on these comments things but I am so thankful you even decided to put your name on didn't need to say much at all,I'm thankful you wrote,I really am!
thank you :)