Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I'm coming to America (via Canada)!

I'm coming to America! That's right!
Ok, so let me apologise for dropping off the face of the earth for the past month, the computer at our house has been down for about 3 weeks so I am typing thanx to Sarah Clerc and the usage of her computer. I've also not been feeling on top form but I have had a wee lift from booking flights to North America!

So on 15th April (Easter Saturday, hope that doesn't cause anyone religious offence, is it ok to travel on the weekend of Easter?!) I fly into Vancouver airport at, hang on, let me see, 16.55 I think. So hey, see you there!

I'm there until Saturday 29th April which means I'm in the country for me birthday (27th). I'm thinking I'll be in or around Seattle for a bit but am hoping to get down through Oregon and possibly down in California. We will see as it is only 2 weeks and that's a lot of driving (even for you guys!)

So, post away! I don't know when I'll be back on a computer but at least I'm coming to America! Bring it on!


Pamela Joy said...

Yay! I'm so so excited! You're really coming! Yay! I can't wait. Keep me filled in. If you can't make it down here I'm sure I could make it up to Seattle - Portland would GLADLY welcome you though!
kisses! (and maybe a wee lick on the cheek)

Megs said...

Rock on!! You'll be in Vancouver?! sweet action! Let me know if you need a ride from the airport...where are you staying/going from there?! Oh that's soo rad Jonathan!

Janice said...

OH MY CRAP I AM SO EXCITED!!!! you should have seen me just now, i freaked out. i will totally come get you with megan. maybe she can drive to my house and then i'll drive us to the airport to get you. except if you already have someone to pick you up in which case...i'll just be there anyway. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kaylie said...

YEA!! You'll be here for our birthday! We can have birthday together again! only we won't try to plan anything and just let people come to us! i'm so excited! btw i'm turning 21 again, 22 sounds too old, so i'm just going to stay at 21. you'll be 20 right?

i'l wear my breast warmer.

Court said...

Happy happy joy joy. We'll see if Sharon and I can swing by and visit.

Josh said...

You missed by about 3,000 miles. All the cool people are in the South. Should be flying to Atlanta.