Just a wee update people,
I left that last blog up a quare (that's a N.Irish term for, well, not too sure really. I guess it can be roughly translated as, "quite") wee while as I really wanted people to read it. I guess I've never concentrated my thoughts and feelings regarding God's Word quite like that before.
I still think God is great and so is His Word.
I think even more so after the past couple of days.
On Monday things were getting to me a bit and the thought of the dentist today was making things worse. I had been to this dentist once on Friday when my toothache got so bad I couldn't take it anymore. But on the way there we got lost a couple of times and so I wasn't sure where exactly it was. So how was I meant to get back there today?! I was worrying about that.
I also wasn't sure what they'd do to me and was a bit worried I'd come out, after having some sleepy gas and not have anyone with me to guide me home. So that was a concern.
I've also found work tough going at the minute too and increasingly feel isolated and alone. That was playing on my mind.
You see, all of this just builds up to an amazing climax which results in the best possible outcome - All glory going to God.
You see tomorrow at CHS (one of the schools I go into to do the Christian Union)we are going to be looking at the third I am of Jesus - I am the gate.
When you think about it, why wouldn't you enter somewhere by the gate? Well, you wouldn't enter somewhere by the gate if you were a thief, as Jesus also explains in the verses previous. You are seeking another way of getting into the sheep pen if you can't just walk in through the gate. Your motives are not pure. Your goal is not wholesome. Many people try and get into the sheep pen by jumping a fence or trying to get underneath it. You will only damage yourself and the other sheep. People try different methods of getting what Jesus promises He would give - pasture. Peace. Assurance. Comfort. Support. Strength.
I decided to climb in the pen by worrying. By deciding Jesus wasn't big enough to help me. I decided to cast all my worries on me. Not on Him.
Jesus said that once you enter through the gate, He will give you pasture. He will give you peace, assurance, comfort, support and strength. He did this for me today. He provided me with fences that weren't there to hold me in but to show me that He was enough. That He cared. That He was there. And that, quite frankly, is all I need.
I realised as I went through today how much of a peace He gave me about going to the dentist and about work. He dealt with both. He can do that.
People were praying for me and He brought about incredible circumstances that meant so much to me. Today, I felt His peace. Today I felt His assurance. Today I felt His comfort. Today I felt His support. Today I felt His strength.
It is incredible how something you go to teach at school or a youth group can be seen as almost like just producing a lesson for kids. The fact of the matter is, if what you are preaching and teaching is not affecting you personally first and foremost then how can you teach it to someone else.
I will never be able to teach hang-gliding to someone as I don't know how to do it myself. I cannot teach Jesus as being the Good Shepherd, as being the gate and as offering pasture unless it has affected me personally first and foremost.
All the glory and honour and praise goes directly to God today for how He comforted, assured, supported, strengthened and gave me peace. Don't climb in over the back of the fence, go in through the gate and know what it's like to rest in His pastures.